24 April 2011

Quail Springs: Diving in

So, tomorrow I'm doing it. I'm going to leave my blackberry turned off! And if that goes well, I'll leave it off till Wednesday!  It's time.  I've been procrastinating, but this weekend I felt encouraged to go for it, to trust that the world won't fall a part, that my family will be fine, that my friends won't be gone, and that I will be ok, enough, more than enough.  No need to know the time. No need to check in just now with my friends who are coming to visit this month. Nope. All will be well and all manner of thing shall be well. Yes!

I think the change (which hasn't happened yet mind you! I will have to turn it off after I use it as an alarm tomorrow morning for milking the goats time!) internally happened when I dove into the Santa Barbara ocean today for an Easter baptism really. Invigorated, I called aloud "rebirth! feminine fire! transformation!"

We had spent the day Saturday in the Santa Barbara hills to hear Jan, our mentor here at QS (http://redsequin.com/) sing at Cold Springs Tavern.  Quite randomly, we ended up dancing salsa (with my old salsa crew!) in Oxnard and then sleeping in a friend's home (right by Henry's beach) in SB.  Then today, Sunday, we enjoyed the sun and water.  I so love having the waves move my body, leaping up, spinning around, and just playing....

So much play!!!!!

So, here's my home in my little nook facing West:

 She's so cozy, warm, and I feel protected and taken care of.  I'm excited to have friends come stay or camp around.


Unknown said...

noooo! cristy rose, please don't turn your blackberry off until you tell me if i should come or not on wednesday. =) i would love to come, but if you are not up for visitors just let me know. for real.

take care,

Unknown said...

I also love camping with friends, doing random things around in the woods. To be away to breath some fresh air can give you the feeling that you are reborn.

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