06 January 2009

New Year Celebrations....

To bring in the new year, I stayed at Deer Park Monastery. I have been reading Thich Nhat Hanh and practicing peace in my life, and when I discovered this sanctuary in "the great hidden mountain," I decided I needed to go. I'm sure grateful I did. Happiness is here and now. The bell to bring us to our veg meals. I sat by the bell and sun-bathed.

The path to my tent.
The labyrinth on the mountain top.
Family on one of our walks.

Breathing in, Breathing out.
I am a blossoming flower.
I am fresh as the dew.
I am solid as the mountain.
I am firm as the earth.
I am free.
I am water reflecting what is real and true.
I feel there is space deep inside of me.
I am free.

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