Well, it's bound to happen, right? My dissertation's fourth chapter is taking over my life. It's taking longer than my designated time, and it looks like it will be the whole dissertation the way I'm writing right now. I'm trying to bring in too much; that is, I'm trying to bring in my whole educational experience at CIIS, all the women's spirituality papers I've ever written. And, I'm struggling with a perfectionist tendency that shows up for me under stress as well as particularly with my academic writing.
So, I need to de-stress. I need to "reduce the emphasis" (maybe on this chapter?), AND I NEED TO RELAX.
I tried to relax yesterday, and I feel like I failed miserably. I ended up leaving cerebral stress for emotional distress. Quite honestly, I think it was all quite circumstantial. Certain circumstances combusted yesterday, and I just wasn't prepared. Coming from a stressed place, I responded rigidly, which has caused all this residual strain on my body and spirit.
Thankfully, the news about my paper being accepted to present at the Gloria Anzaldua Conference this year encourages me that I am on the right track, even if it is a labyrinthine one.
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